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Thursday, November 12, 2009


Okay, well I tend to babble on forever and I didnt think I had that much to update on but I really do soooo...I'm just going to bullet it! (GASP!) try at least! =)

  • I finally finally got a job! I work at the new Target that just opened up. Its the biggest in town! Its huge! Anyways I am on the Guest Services Team, which I love because I love talking and meeting new people. Target customers are the greatest!
  • I finally got my wisdom teeth out. I had been having trouble with them for months, and I just now got my insurance and things taken care so I could go. I love soups, but I was so tired of eating them. Mom came up here to stay with me the day of, well the day before she hurt her knee so she was on crutches. Of course, she didnt tell me any of this until she made the drive up here. She knew that if she told me I would have made her stay home! I felt bad for Eli because he was taking care of me and then he would help my mom up and down the stairs at our apartment! Anyway it turned out well! The week after surgery, I was so mean to Eli. He tried to take care of me and wait on me hand and foot and I was just so upset and hungry so I decided to take it out on everyone else. Anyways we quickly made up. Just last week, we went to Texas Roadhouse to eat because I was feeling alot better! He surprised me when he made me soft foods. He will be embarrassed I put it on here but he does sweet things so randomly I have to gush about it! =)
  • Labor Day weekend some of my family from Memphis, came to see all of us in Fort Smith, so Eli and I drove down there to visit with them! Uncle Bobby & Aunt Frances are my grandma's brother and sister-in-law, LeeAnn is their daughter, and Marley is the great-grand baby! She is absolutely adorable, and I just wanted to take her back to Oklahoma with me. I think she would have went too! I have alot of pictures but I will just put my favorites! She loved Eli's spaghetti, she was ready for a nap afterwards.
  • I went to Fort Smith because my mom and her friends were throwing a garage sale. I was so excited because I was putting in a brand new partician that Eli and I had bought for our apartment but it wouldnt stand on our kind of carpet so we never used it. I was sure someone would buy it! Its gorgeous, but no takers. I was also selling our bar stools since we didnt need them in our new place, they are in great condition, they are made of a heavy wood with nice backs on them. Once again, no takers. A girl I went to school with bought them though, so they are going to a good home. If you would like a partician, leave me a comment and I will post a picture! Its about 6 feet tall, black and dark red with wood frame, it has a chinese them to it, but I dont really see it, the flowers and artwork on it remind me of orchids! Its really pretty, I wish we had a place for it. We paid $100 for it, but we are asking $50-75 for it. Its been unfolded probably 3 times. For the past 2 years, its been leaning against a wall unused! Trust me, your getting a good deal!
  • Also while I was in town, I met up with Sam & Max and finally got to meet Aiden! He is just as precious too! I didnt get a good picture of him though. I will next week though!
  • Last but not least....WE ARE GETTING MARRIED! Eli and I have finally decided to choose a date and just do it! We have decided on November 27th, 2010. We really like the idea of a fall wedding, anyway you do it, it will always be beautiful. At first, we were going to go to Hot Springs, Arkansas and getting married outside at a Bed & Breakfast, The 1890 Williams House Inn. Which I think is gorgeous, homey, laid-back, and everything I'm looking for. The downside is we would have the reception when we got back, and not that many people would want to travel since its Thanksgiving weekend, even though its only 2 hours. So we have decided to just go ahead and get married at the church, it would be alot easier for people and my family. No location is absolutely official, so we will most likely change our minds by January. I just want a stressfree wedding with no drama coming from either sides of our family. (His grandparents, My aunt and uncles) So hopefully our day will go as planned and everyone will be happy. I have alot more to discuss about the wedding, but thats for a whole new post!
I hope everyone has a great weekend! My weekend will start Monday at 4pm. I'm going to Fort Smith for my birthday. Its Tuesday! =)

Until next time..

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


The Design Girl is giving away the wonderful OPI nail polish. I promise its one the best! Click on the button to the left to enter the giveaway.

Also, Kelly over at Kelly's Korner is giving away a vaccum, head on over there for more details.



Wednesday, October 21, 2009

this weekend..

I am going to update with lots of pictures and news! Lots has happened since I really did an update.

The reason I havent done it sooner is because I have been soooo sick. I havent had the flu, just flu like symptoms. Saturday the doctor said I had an upper respiratory infection and gave me amoxicillion yet I still didnt feel any better yesterday so I went back last night and I saw a different doctor and she was actually more helpful and gave me a sinus x-ray and come to find out I have a severe sinus infection! and for some reason..im nauseous. We still cant figure that one out.

Anyway I start my new medicine tomorrow so this weekend I should be in tip top shape and ready to upload lots of pics!

and since I cant be in fort smith under my momma's care I'll leave you with a picture of us last time I was in town! =)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

same things different day

We ended up not being able to go to fort smith last weekend. I did go to the dentist about my wisdom teeth and they are supposed to be taken out on the 12th. Cross your fingers! I'm ready to be painless. I finally got some pain pills today and just after one pill, I already feel 90% better! =) Aside from that, nothing new is going on. My mom is having a garage sale with the girls from her work so Eli and I will definitely be in the Fort for that. Whoo hoo!! Camera back and hopefully I will make some moolah!!<3

okay, its 8:01 and Grey's Anatomy is starting!!

Until next time!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I will be back posting soon..

I just havent been feeling well lately, plus I have been trying to get back into the school schedule and my new work schedule (yes! I FINALLY got a job!) I'll give you a hint...think red and white! Anyways to any of the bloggers out there who read this(so far, none!): I will be back soon with alot of pictures! My camera is in Fort Smith, so hopefully next week I will have it back!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Where has time gone!?

Wow, I cant even remember what all I have been up to since last time I blogged. I'll try to remember though! I know that we went to Fort Smith. We ended up not being able to see Morgann and Kevin. We visited with Eli's grandparents for awhile, and then headed over to see Max & Sam. Little Aiden is almost here!! This past weekend was the first weekend in months that I didnt go to any garage sales! Boo Hoo! =(
This coming Monday, We're heading to Fort Smith to meet up with my family and drop Gracie off at the vets, then we are heading to the Beautiful, Wonderful, Absolutely Amazing Hot Springs! I cant wait! Eli hasnt been, I told him to hang his head in shame! We'll more to update next week!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I cant believe the weekend is already over!
Friday morning, I talked Eli into trying a different place to eat breakfast so he took me to Cracker Barrel! I had never been there for breakfast, when I lived in Fort Smith I had only been to the one in Alma for dinner. Anyways I was really excited, and the service ended up being horrible. She pretty much lost her tip before we even ordered our food. Neither one of us like grits and it said that you could substitute for something else, so we told her what we would like. She made substituting sound like such a big ordeal and had the nerve to say, why dont I just not bring the grits out with your order, you get enough food as it is! Can you believe that?! We were both just dumbfounded. On top of that, Eli's eggs werent even cooked all the way, they were even cold! Keep in mind, Eli doesnt like to cause scenes or take food back when its not his way so he asked the lady if she could bring him another order..I guess they just microwaved them because they were still cold in the middle. It was pretty disgusting. Even though the service was horrible, we still had fun looking at the gift shop! I wanted just about one of everything! I only walked out with candy sucker sticks, I couldnt resist =)
After that, we spent the afternoon going to the big flea market and to various thrift shops. We actually found a couple of good condition couches for only $75 we were so tempted to take them home with us but we dont have any room at the moment. We really cant get one until September, thats when we are moving to bigger and definitely better apartment! YAY!

Yesterday, we did our usual breakfast at Golden Corral. (Yes, it seems like all we do is eat, but I promise its only on the weekends =) ) Anyways after we left there, we ended up going to a couple of thrift stores and garage sales but didnt find anything, except another couch! =( After that, we came home so Eli could go to bed before work, he had been up for like 24 hours. Whoops!

Today was tiring day for some reason. I woke up at like 430 and ended up staying up till Eli got home at 6, he surprised me with breakfast at Tally's on Route 66..they have the best breakfast! We came home and slept for a while, then hung around the house for a bit. Ended up going to this place called Panchos. It was pretty good. It was really authentic food. I didnt feel too good when we left there so I came home and layed down and decided to read for a bit, well I ended up going to sleep for a few hours. I was half asleep when Eli left for work. I dont know why I am so tired.

I left my school book in the truck, so I cant study tonight even though I have a test so looks like I will be studying on the way tomorrow. I have some good news/bad news, I have mixed feelings about it. This will be our last Monday/Tuesday to work on moving stuff out of the Tahlequah apartment. Tomorrow we're getting things and Tuesday we're cleaning it, Thursday we're paying the last of the rent we owe and turning in our keys! I'm glad to be rid of the apartment and dealing with moving stuff out of there and having to pay for 2 apartments but I am sad because I drive by it everytime I go to school considering its 2 blocks away and it was our FIRST apartment as a couple. I'm so sentimental sometimes.

We're heading to the fort Monday night and Tuesday night. I'm going to finally get to meet Ethan Cole Kiene! Ive seen pictures but I have a feeling they wont do him justice! We are also going to see one of Eli's best friends from home. Max, his fiance Sam is having a little boy in a couple of weeks. Babies are everywhere! They have decided on the name Aiden. They just got themselves a house so we are going to go see it and maybe grill out over there.

Until next time!

This was a pyramid of bowling balls we saw at the flea market!

I forgot to mention that we also snuck in some Birthday Cake W/Sprinkles at Marble Slab. Yummy!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thunder & Lightning

I'm sitting here crossing my fingers for some rain! It said 30% tonight but it so loud I'm hoping it really storms so it cool things off just a little bit.
Eli and I went to Tahlequah and Fort Smith Monday, we were going to come back Tuesday but we ended up coming back this afternoon. My friends Morgann and Kevin checked into the hospital last night so she can start having her little boy, and since I hadnt seen them since I moved away Eli suggested we stay another night so I could go up to the hospital (He has been such a sweetie lately!) Well she ended up having him today at 5:10pm. Little Ethan Cole weighed 8lbs and was 20 inches long with a full head of black hair! I have yet to see him because I was already back in Tulsa by 5, but Mom told me all of the details! We have to go back down there next Monday so I will get to meet him then! =)
Other exciting news, was we FINALLY got our cell phones back! I was so excited about having unlimited text back that when I got back in the car, I had no idea who to text! lol lets just say that only lasted a lil bit!
We moved our big overstuffed chair up here today. Its in the middle of the living room because we have no room in this apartment for anything and neither one of us can bear to get rid of it, He has his pieces that mean alot to him, I have a few things that I'm not willing to get rid of, and then of course we have the furniture we got together as a couple. So for the next 2 months, we cant have company over because stuff is piled on top of stuff it seems like! lol
We have been looking at apartments any chance we get, and today I found a place that has year round fishing for Eli, big grassy lawn for Gracie, and according to the pictures huge kitchen counter space for me! We are going to go by there tomorrow or Friday. Lets hope its as good as it sounds!
I dont think I have anything else to update on. Maybe more tomorrow!

and just for the record now that I am done typing, I dont hear thunder anymore or see any lightning =(

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A couple of pictures!

Eli & I...its kind of an old picture, hes lost weight since this picture if you cant tell!

The Birthday Boy! He's going to be mad I uploaded this..he had just woken up not too long before this! I made him his favorite brownies.
Eli woke me up with breakfast & flowers! Thats why I love love love him!

This is my family's land that alot of us go swimming at! This is Lee Creek, it runs over our property.
Please excuse our ugly couch! We're looking for a new one! (I guess its part of living on your own for the first time..you get random used furniture!)

so much for calling this my journal

Pictures are in a seperate post! I cant get it to work on here. I am computer illiterate sometimes..Whoops!

I cant even update regularly! There hasnt been alot going on since I last updated. Trying to stay outta this Oklahoma heat! It was a 104 here today! Eli had to work 4th of July so my mom and Cole came up and got me and took me back to Fort Smith so I could spend it with the family! Sunday, my friend Liz and I drove up to Tahlequah, since she hasnt been up there and we went took the river and hung out a bit. Gracie loved the water until it got too deep for her poor thing! Something came up at the barn and Liz couldnt take me back to Tulsa afterall so Mom met us in Vian and she took me back home! I cant wait to get a job so I can get my car and wont have to rely on people!) Anyways Monday Eli and I went to Tahlequah because I had class and he was off work so we had planned on moving some more things out of our old apartment. Well you know us, change of plans! The weather just seemed to change our minds. We ended up going to the river and hanging out for awhile. I called Jessica to join us when she got off work, but she didnt feel good so we ended up going out to eat with her! After a year of living in Tahlequah, we finally made it to a new place...Fish's BBQ! It doesnt look too apetizing on the outside but everyone is right..it is delicious!! I had the best brisket I have had in a long time! They even have tee shirts that say "Tahlequah's Best Kept Secret"..isnt that the truth! Well by then it was getting dark so we didnt move anything! Wednesday I got up early and met Jessica for breakfast before my class and we watched Dazed & Confused. She had never seen it! Thats crazy to me! We finally got Gracie trimmed and it was our first time to ever find a groomer in Tulsa, so if anyone reads this and lives in this area please suggest someone for us! I still havent gotten a picture of the "After" look. I think she has been looking away from the camera. I think shes embarrassed! LOL They trimmed her way too short I think, and she now looks like a boy dog. Its kinda sad. Oh well. She will only look like that for a couple of weeks! While she was at the groomers we grabbed a bite to eat and drove around, found a Goodwill of Tulsa, and I applied for a job there. *Crosses Fingers* This weekend was kind of depressing in the Garage Sale front..there were hardly any! Yesterday was Eli's birthday..hes the big 2-2! lol He said he feels like an old man..I dont think so baby! I cant believe its already another Monday..where has summer gone! Then again I'm ready for July 30th! Its my last day of my summer classes and my family is planning on coming up that weekend!! Whoo hoo! I start back on August 20th but luckily it wont be that bad..I'll only have to drive on Tuesday/Thursdays! YAY!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Topsy-Turvy Tuesday

Today was just one of those days. I felt really weird when I woke up this morning, but I of course thought it was because I actually went to bed early for a change. I hit snooze a few times even though I didn't need it, I just didn't feel like getting out of bed! I eventually got up, ate my cereal, read and watched the news headlines, and went on to leave for Tahlequah. On the way down there, I felt sick and just plain tired all of a sudden so I decided to skip my afternoon class since I knew the assignment anyway. So (yes, I am aware that I tend to ramble until I get to the point of the story!) it was a good thing I had planned to skip class or else I would have been up a creek without a paddle! My friend Jessica and I had parked next to each other, so as we were leaving, the truck wouldn't start! I actually didn't panic for once. Jessica told me to call campus police and they would come jump start the battery so I called them..the guy that actually came was a jerk. It wouldn't do anything so he was like I can't do anything for you except tell you to call a tow truck, and I'm not a mechanic but it sounds like it is the starter. Well I immediately think..oh great. Starters + Tow Trucks are expensive! Well I called my grandpa to see what he might think it is. I always go to my grandpa...he knows everything in my book! =) Well him and my grandma came up there so in the meantime I just waited at Jessica's place until they got there. We ended up going to an auto part store, a starter was going to be $179.00 but we didn't even know for sure if it was the starter, so luckily they employees at the store knew a mechanic that would actually go up to the campus and tell me for sure what was wrong with it. I kid you not..he showed up and popped that hood up and twisted a knob on the battery and told me to start it up! It was so easy! the positive knob had came loose, I didn't need a starter afterall! Praise the Lord! I only had to end up paying $20 for the mechanic. By then, I think my grandparents and I were about to pass out because we had been outside forever it seemed. We went and ate at Town Branch then we headed our different ways. I went back to Tulsa, and they went back to The Fort. Oh and while this was going on today..Eli was asleep and not answering my phone calls! Even though it was kinda of a crappy situation, I'm glad I got to see my Grandmommy Mae & PaPaw Tommy! (even though I'm going to The Fort this weekend..oh well!) Anyways today has worn me out..plus I'm sunburned from waiting outside all afternoon! Just call me Rudolph!! =)

I think I'm going to go to bed early again tonight..after I pick up the kitchen. blah!

Yesterday was a good day though, Monday & Tuesdays are usually pretty good days because Eli is off so we can hang out and do different things around town. After I got home from school I talked him into going to Bass Pro Shop to look around. Its my belief that you dont have to buy something there..its fun to just go look! We ended up buying some old fashion hard candy and he bought me a cool keychain with my initals on it! We also went to PetCo and bought our Gracie Boo Boo a bed since she is obsessed with laying on our pillows..so now she has her own. I also bought some iron on letters tonight so dress up her bed a lil bit. Its not pink like I wanted.

Well thats it for today.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Garage Sale Finds & Lazy Days

I think my life is a little too boring to update everyday, so we'll see how it goes with blogging every other day! Yesterday Eli and I slept in for once and got a late start on garage sales, but we left the house at 10am and was still able to get some bargains! For weeks now, we have been looking for a computer monitor because Eli's went out. The one he wants is pretty expensive in our book, so for the time being he has just been looking for a used one to get him by. Well we havent had any luck at all when we get going at 6am, but what do ya know..we happen to find one for $5 when get a late start! Crazy! We also managed to find a big mirror to go over our couch. I have been wanting one for awhile, so maybe it was my lucky day after all! It was only $6 and Eli said I probably wouldnt find one like this one and for this price so we got it! He's going to sand it down and I'm going to try my hand at painting it. It will be interesting to see how it turns out! I also found a pink handbag for a whole dollar! It was a must! Also, the absolute cherry on top to my garage sale finds yesterday was....ST. ELMO'S FIRE ON DVD! That is one of my favorite movies..I just had it on VHS until the VCR eventually ate the poor thing! I havent been able to find it on DVD though..I was so excited, I still am actually! Since we were out driving around and by this time starving we ended up near the casino, so we decided to eat there at the Wild Potato..it was really good, they had a chocolate fondue! I had been out to the casino last weekend for my weekend class on Casino Issues. It was an interesting class, but more on that later! Since I had already been out there and Eli hadnt, so it was fun to just walk around and look at everything since it is in the process of being Hard Rock Hotel. Eli stuck a dollar in a quarter machine just for the hell of it and he won $10! By the time we got home it was going on late afternoon and Eli had to be at work at 9 so we just crashed and took an afternoon nap. I'm still not used to him working overnights...9pm to 6am! But he must love me if hes willing to go garage saleing with me when he gets home from work =)

This morning we went to Golden Corral to eat breakfast, it was a nice surprise. I usually wake up at 630 when Eli gets home but he woke up me at 730 so I got to sleep in a little bit...kind of threw my day off a bit but its okay! Between yesterday and this morning he has been exhausted so he is still asleep, and Im procrastinating. I should be doing my homework, I have a reading test and a written assignment due by 10pm tonight! I need Eli's help with the written assignment, Im computer illiterate when it comes to some programs so I will have to do that when he wakes up. So anyways I should be reading 2 chapters of American History Pre-Civil War but instead Ive managed to turn on the dishwasher, do 2 loads of laundry, take a nap, and bake brownies for tonight, oh and watch Walk the Line!

I have just been so lazy today. I need energy energy energy!

I'm not sure what else to blog about. I dont think anyone reads this except me. If someone else does read this, they should at least follow me! lol

Thats all for today I suppose. I just took the brownies out of the oven..I have to let the cool before I can frost them. I am inpatient when it comes to baking. I hate the cooling process! lol

Well I am off to study...blah.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I finally did it..

Well I've decided to make a blog after all! For awhile now, I have been reading numerous blogs anonymously. They have made me laugh, cry, and think "oh, I definitely know how you feel or you're not the only one!" Now I can actually comment everyone! I hope that I can make some new friends in this great world of blogging! I will probably be playing around with this for awhile, so if you are reading this..please bear with me!

I should probably be polite and introduce myself:

I'm Bailey and I am 19 years old. I hail from the great city of Fort Smith, Arkansas; but I currently live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I am a college student at Northeastern State University and I am also a Social Work major. I have a passion for helping people and volunteering. I hope to one day work with the Ronald McDonald house at St. Francis Hospital here in Tulsa. I absolutely love NSU and I think it was one of the greatest decisions I've made. My mom is my best friend, and I was completely terrified of leaving her, but I'm pulling through better than I thought I would..most days anyway! lol I have been with my fiance, Eli for 5 years this October. Some people think that we are "living in sin" because we live together but we aren't married yet. Most people are supportive though, and that's what counts. We lived in Tahlequah last year while I attended NSU, but this past May Eli got a better paying job so we decided to move up here and I will be commuting twice a week in the fall. So far we are enjoying Tulsa, its bigger than Fort Smith, and definitely bigger than Tahlequah! I miss being able to go to the river at a moments notice with friends and the quiet college town life. I like to think everything happens for a reason so for now I'm just going to buckle up and see where this journey takes me with Eli and our cocker spaniel Gracie! =)

I will post pictures later, after I learn how to work all of this blogging stuff! lol Hope I didn't bore anyone!
